How to Create a Look with Vertical Piercings

How to Create a Look with Vertical Piercings

Vertical lobes are not new; in fact, they have been in the piercing industry for decades and still shine like a new trend in the market. You are obviously hooked on its look since it can adorn many places on your body with its gorgeous look. So the question is what to create with vertical piercings and how to manage a trendy look out of it. Trendy Vertical Piercing Jewellery This type of jewellery is made for piercings that run...

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Explore Unique Multi-Point Piercings

Explore Unique Multi-Point Piercings

Just like how we change our favourite jewellery styles, certain piercings also have their own trends. Take the premium industrial piercing jewellery, for example; it’s been around for a while with a cool barbell connecting two helix piercings. But guess what? There are now some awesome twists and even new multi-point piercings that are gaining popularity and are definitely worth talking about. The Vertical Industrial...

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