Explore Different Tunnel Plugs for Ear Stretching

Explore Different Tunnel Plugs for Ear Stretching

Your options are endless when it comes to finding a unique piece for ear stretching. With so many bold piercing jewellery options, you can always have a new design when bored with your precious jewellery. Ear stretching is a technique that involves gradually adding bigger pieces of jewellery to increase the hole in your ear lobe. It looks really cool and trendy. You can play with different gauges, designs and jewellery materials for...

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Pierced Dragon Screw Fit Flesh Tunnel Earrings

If you get an ears piercing, it would be unwise to not reveal them to the world. You cannot do that by wearing minuscule ear studs surely? Use flesh tunnels to stretch the ear flesh tunnel earrings. Quite a bit so that you can sport larger than normal ear lobes. It uses to hold all sorts of jewelry and adornments including tribal ones. How to Take Care a Flesh Tunnel Earrings Remember that the fear of infection and allergies increase...

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