The ear piercing jewelry market is abundant with different types of jewelry cone stud. One can find earrings, ear studs, ear stretchers or ear tapers,neon fake ear ear gauges etc.
An ear taper is an ear jewelry that helps in stretching the size of the piercing. When an ear taper is pushed through the piercing it gradually increases the size of the piercing. Generally if someone wants to go for ear tapers it is advisable that he/she increases one
size every two weeks so that there is no tearing of the pierced skin.
Silicon jewelry is considerably a new development in the world of body jewelry. Silicon body jewelry is soft and flexible and hence does not cause much discomfort when inserted into the piercing neon tunnel. The red flexible silicone ear-lets; plug fake plug with o ring, screw or ear gauge plug 12mm not just look attractive but are very easy to use as well.
These are great substitutes to the steel gauges which cause discomfort to many people. The red silicone ear-lets are light-weight and soft.
The awesome 10mm stretchers is selling in the body jewelry market like hot cakes. One would simply fall in love with them.