Forget the common ear and eyebrow piercing and opt for an exciting alternative instead. Yes, it is getting your nipple pierced that is going to work and boost the shock factor this time. Ask around if you are not too sure of the reaction. All your friends would have to admire your sense of style and intelligence for thinking of it. So, getting your nipple pierced is what you need in order to satisfy your own self. Make sure to utilize the services of an expert piercer though. You would surely not like to be plagued with an infected nipple. Give it a waiting time of 6 months to 1 year and rejoice in the healing of your piercing. Keep cleaning the area thoroughly meanwhile and do it diligently for sake of having unlimited fun afterwards.
It is time now to shop for the best jewelry available! What could be better than that elevates your personality while making you an object of envy far and wide? Do feel free to log in at your convenience and delight in the vast range of nipple jewelry that the reputable online store has on offer. Most nipple piercing veterans would advise you to go for a straight barbell and ball combo as your first nipple jewelry. Yet it is not going to satisfy you entirely this time, the reason being that it is too plain and you do want to stand head and shoulders above the crowd. Fret not; is not going to disappoint you whatever may be your desire.
Just take a look at the stunning Pink Gem Surgical Steel Nipple Rounder and you are going to be blown over, for sure. It might just help you to gain admiring glances from all quarters, if you happen to be a guy. All is not lost for a girl either. Wear it under your clothes and feel all male eyes turn your way once the shape of your rounder shows through. You are welcome to try out the effect in the privacy of your bedroom of course the time will definitely prove to be super exciting whether you are alone or with your partner.
The use of 316L surgical steel ensures 0 infection and hour of fun. Bid adieu to the uncomfortable crusting, infections, and skin allergies and get ready to enjoy your gorgeous piercing like never before. Obtaining it at $3.44 is a definite plus and you can actually get it for even less once you opt to buy several items together.