Have you tried piercing your belly button the first time and liked it? Do you wish to increase your pleasure by taking your piercing another step forward? Would you like to experiment with your belly piercing a little more? Well, a double piercing will be ideal for you then. Yes, you can add more zing to your personality by having a double pierced belly button with interestingly stylish combinations. Be bold and beautiful by having a double pierced belly button with a range of quirky angry bird navel rings in various colors. The ones offered by piercebody have lovely colors with multi crystal stones.
Stunning and sizzling double pierced belly button is catching on as a trend quite fast. In fact, people who are more adventurous can have multiple piercings on their belly buttons. Depending on the configuration they wish to have they can get either double, quadruple or multiple piercings on the belly. You can either go for lower and upper belly button piercing or two sides of the belly button or still opt for other combinations according to your choice and the shape of your midriff. Do keep in mind that the shape of your midriff goes a long way in making you look either sensuous or vulgar.
If you have the guts, you can opt for multiple piercings on the same session. However, it is always advisable to divide it not only because of the acute pain but also the pierced zone has its required healing time. On request a professional piercer will provide a topical anesthetic before doing multiple piercings to save you from the pain. This is especially done for single session. The most interesting thing about double or multiple piercings on the belly button is that you can have a design or pattern created with the piercings.
You can either try to combine a straight piercing with an inverse piercing where the ring is pushed from below and passes through the bottom rim. The horizontal double belly button piercing is quite a popular fashion trend. In this type, 2 separate piercings are done on each side of the belly button and is later connected with a barbell ends of which will be visible from each hole while the middle portion will be seen on the navel ridge. The small ones look good with double piercings and it is best to avoid dangling belly rings while getting multiple piercings on belly button.