Categories: Piercing Jewellery

Keep it Low-Key with Piercing Retainers

Piercing jewellery is everywhere. Many people eagerly accept the bold look of body modification and emphasize it with body tattoos and jewellery. It gives them an opportunity to speak their mind and say their choices out loud. So, when it comes to piercing at work, many companies are against bold body jewellery. Some of us who work in the corporate sector fear the piercing might close during a long shift, so here comes the concept of piercing retainers.

It is a minimalist choice that can give you a low-key vibe if you like simple body jewellery. You can also wear it to follow the work rule and wear jewellery in your own time to rock personal time and parties. 

These nifty accessories keep your piercings open without drawing too much attention.

Learn About Piercing Retainers

Imagine a stealth mode for your piercings; that’s what retainers are all about. They’re like secret agents, blending in seamlessly while still doing their job. Made from materials like clear acrylic, bioplast, or even metal, these retainers are designed to be discreet. Tailored for all sorts of piercings to suit different piercing types, from nose studs to belly button rings.

Why Use Piercing Retainers?

Picture retainers as your piercing’s sneaky sidekicks. Whether you’re hitting up a fancy shindig, diving into a fresh gig, or craving a simple look, retainers have totally got your six (or nose or belly button). They let you rock your piercings without stirring up any unwanted buzz. And they’re mega comfy, too, so say goodbye to wardrobe snags or hair entanglements.

Types of Piercing Retainers

Clear Acrylic Retainers: These are the chameleons of the piercing world – virtually invisible. Perfect for when you need to be off the grid without sacrificing style.

Bioplast Retainers: Flexible and hypoallergenic bioplast retainers are great for sensitive skin. They come in clear, like incognito jewellery or flesh-toned options, blending seamlessly with your skin tone.

Metal Retainers: For those who prefer a more traditional look, metal retainers offer durability and a subtle shine. Opt for titanium or surgical steel for maximum comfort and safety.

How to Use Piercing Retainers:

Using a retainer is as easy as pie, even if you’re not a piercing pro. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started:

  • Always start with clean hands to prevent unwanted bacteria from getting near your piercing.
  • Take out your regular piercing jewellery carefully, ensuring that you do not tug or pull on the piercing.
  • Gently insert the retainer into your piercing, following the natural curve of your skin. Be patient; it might take a few tries to get it just right.
  • Once the retainer is in, make sure it feels comfortable and secure. If it’s too tight or loose, adjust it until it sits comfortably.
  • You’re now ready to go incognito with your piercing retainer. Enjoy the freedom of keeping your piercing open without drawing any unwanted attention.

Tips for Caring for Your Piercing Retainers:

Just like any accessory, piercing retainers need a little care to stay in top-notch condition. Here are some handy tips to keep them looking and feeling their best:

Clean Regularly: Give your retainers a gentle clean with mild soap and warm water every day to prevent build-up of dirt and bacteria.

Store Properly: When not in use, store your retainers in a clean, dry place to prevent them from getting lost or damaged.

Whether you’re flying under the radar at work or just want a break from the limelight, retainers offer a discreet solution without compromising on style. So next time you need to keep things low-key, remember to reach for your trusty piercing retainer and embrace the art of subtle self-expression.


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