How Can You Heal Your Piercing Faster?

We all are looking to the question, “How to heal piercings faster”. The shiny piece of jewellery only gets a chance on your skin when your piercing wound is fully healed. So, what can we do to make them bounce back faster?

Well, firstly, don’t forget the natural course of time. Your body takes time to adjust to new things, especially piercings since we are talking about a hole. It is better to let the things simmer down on their own.   

However, what if you got the premium piercing and your upcoming swimming lessons are near? You surely wish your piercing to heal, meanwhile.

So here is a quick look at piercing aftercare tips and how you can boost up this process and be safe with your new jewellery.

How to Heal Fast  

  1. Practice regular cleaning at least 2-3 times with initial jewellery.
  2. Before quitting aftercare, ask your piercer if it is fully healed.
  3. Use the right products like premium jewellery material and proper saline solution.
  4. Do not touch it.

Best Practices for Piercing Aftercare and Faster Healing

Here are some additional things you can do to speed up the piercing healing process. Not only will you be mindful of your body, but you will also score a lot of perks along the way.

The Immune System

Alright, let’s break it down. When you get into the piercing care routine, your body goes into defence mode to heal up and keep out any bad stuff. If your immune system’s not on point, your piercing might take way longer to heal. So, keep that immune system in check, and your piercing will be golden.


Give your body what it needs to stay strong, fuel up and eat better. Make sure you’re eating good stuff and, super important, drink loads of water. Hydration is key as it speeds up piercing healing. Especially in the summer, keep that water bottle close. Hydrate up, or your body’s going to have a tough time sorting out that piercing.


We’ve already said it: get a solid night’s sleep before your piercing, but that’s not all. You have to keep resting while your body heals. Sleep is when your body does all its repair work. If you’re running on empty, your body’s gonna struggle to heal that piercing. So, catch those Z’s.


You don’t need to go all out and hit the gym every day to help your immune system. Exercises for faster healing, like yoga or a quick walk, can do wonders. Moving around a bit helps your body stay in top shape. But hey, no swimming until that piercing’s all healed up. Water and fresh piercings don’t mix.

Stress Management

Chill vibes only, alright? Stress can mess with your health and slow down your healing. Give yourself a break and do some deep breathing, get your zen on and hit up a massage. If someone or something’s stressing you out, set those boundaries! Been thinking about therapy? Now might be the perfect time. Stress can bring all kinds of problems, so keep it in check and give your body and your piercings a break!


Wanna keep those piercings looking fresh? You gotta take care of them. For oral piercings, rinse with non-alcoholic mouthwash twice a day and swish with some fresh water every time you munch or sip. For those external piercings, give them some love by cleaning them twice a day with sterile saline spray (like the one linked here), then rinse them with clean water. Pat them dry with a paper towel or use a hair dryer on the lowest setting. Keep it squeaky clean, and stay on top of it.

Keep in mind that piercing jewellery takes time to heal, and you need not feel annoyed. Give it time so that when you change to your top piercing jewellery design, you get a snug fit and comfortable experience.

Author: Minahil

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