Piercing a part of your body entails a bit of pain, no doubt, but it becomes worthwhile when you are able to elicit admiring glances from people far and wide. However, it is important to ensure the safety of your piercing jewelry first. Health is wealth, after all and you would certainly not like to jeopardize it for the sake of adorning your body.
The aesthetics are essential surely but inserting an item of jewelry through it should be easy too. It is not surprising when you choose segment rings for your new piercing therefore. The smooth finish makes it a great alternative to captive beads as ornament provides no rough edge that can get caught, tearing off the jewelry off your body piercing accidentally, thereby causing pain and damage.
The only thing you need to do is to remove a part of the hinged segment to one side and thread it through the piercing after which you fit it in to lock it in place. There! Now you have a seamless ring that looks smooth without any kind of gap showing through. You can also move it in lace without causing any damage whatsoever. Wow! That is a double bonanza for sure!
You are welcome to thread the hinged segment ring through any body piercing whether it is your ears, eyebrows, lower lip, or navel. The straight and simple lines make it a pristine piece of ornamentation that captivates all without being unnecessarily showy or gaudy. Now! That is the true hallmark of a great individual. You do not have to make an effort to attract attention and the segmented ring with hinges does it admirably!
Wait! How do you find the one that is absolutely right for you? You get no prizes for guessing that! The answer is obvious! Simply log in to piercebody.com and check out their superb range of segment rings. The hinged one is sure to be the one that stands out. You do not have to grab and go though. Allow yourself to check the particulars, the base material for instance. It is made of 316L surgical steel, a great choice when it comes to skin safety. The modest grey-silver gleam is both simple and enduring and will lend you a quiet confidence when you wear it.
Another advantage that you get by buying it from this online store is its price range. Try buying 3 pieces together and you will be able to make it yours for the wholesale rate of $2.49.