If simple ear piercing cannot provide you the high you wanted, then try something different like an ear expander and you are bound to look hot and stylish. An ear expander makes you look quite unique and different from the crowd, especially when it is something from Piercebody. The fuchsia glitter straight ear expander looks cool and glitters all the time. Its color is quite girlish but even men can wear it because it will give an edge to your look. Available in a wide range of size from 6mm to 12mm the ear expander is actually stepping stone for ear gauging. Since, the material is UV it is bound to shine under sunlight and also under LED lights.
Wear it and surprise your friends with this season’s fashion discovery. You will definitely become the talk of the college. Having said that not just teenagers, anyone can wear an ear expander. However, to retain your expander properly without causing any hurt to your ears, you must be careful about certain things like playing sports. If you are involved in playing sports then you have to be meticulous about maintaining the piercing and put in extra effort to manage it.
Especially for children who have their ears pierced must be very careful while playing in the field or anywhere. During the first few months of your piercing, you have to be extremely careful not to cause any hurt to the piercing to avoid any serious damage. Therefore, taking precautions is necessary. It is advisable not to play hard sports during the first few months of piercing. But if you still have to, it is wise to cover the area before entering the field. It is best to avoid any kind of body contact during the initial phase of healing.
A blow to the ears or face can drive the post through the skin leaving behind a scar which is painful. Running, pulling and tugging of studs or even more serious ripping out of the studs can damage your earlobes or whichever place you have your piercing in. If the surrounding skin is ripped it will leave a gaping hole and the injury will be extremely painful and take lots of time to heal. For a newly pierced ear, it is always safe to cover the area with foam covers and also use gauze or tape to hold the piercing in place.