Look for something a trifle different than the ordinary ear studs and pendants when it comes to jewelry. Sure, you have the right to adorn yourself but why should you just go with the flow? Come on, rack your brains and think of an offbeat idea that is going to catapult you to the center of attention. Who knows, you might also end up having a fan following of your own in the bargain.
Well, you are about to give wings to your imagination here! Yes, you can certainly opt to purchase the artistic item of flower with wings navel ring by login into piercebody.com. The bar and the barbell combo remains the point of actual insertion in this cute and overwhelmingly attractive navel ring though and it is made out of titanium or surgical steel that will not have any effect on your skin whatsoever. Your beautiful belly button remains unblemished therefore and you can flaunt it as much as you want whether it is at a party or a nightclub.
What about the size though? Yes size does matter in most cases but not when it comes to your belly ring. The standard size of the gauge remains 14 and piercebody.com is no exception here for the wonderful treasure trove of this online store is intent on following the regulations meticulously. The length of the dangler does not vary from the standardized 5/8 mm either and the beautifully jeweled flower makes a pretty picture as it dangles enticingly below your navel with every step you take.
While it will look great with all your mid riff baring attire, you are welcome to try out a few Eastern gowns too while sporting the belly ring. Prom dresses or tank tops and tiny shirts that leave a wide gap between its edge and the waistband of your trousers may have looked hip and happening in the 90s but are you sure they are going to focus you in a positive light once more? You can also think of sheer dresses that have the capacity of revealing the dainty navel ring in spite of your belly ring being covered totally. Look around for more options or ask the fashionista about town, you are sure to get a load of ideas eventually.
What about the price though? Is it going to be too expensive? No worries! Piercebody.com assures you of obtaining great jewelry at affordable prices and the $4.19 belly ring is a perfect example. Just go ahead and buy a couple of them together and be assured of getting it at the wholesale rate.