Accessorizing your body with great piercing jewelry is sure to grab the attention of all and sundry. You are likely to become a cynosure of all eyes too when you opt to display the superb collection from A dangle belly button ring in the form of a musical note happens to be a hot favorite this season and you can safely show off your toned midriff to perfection by wearing it on special occasions. Shorts, skirts, or tube tops look great when you have a charming belly button ring to display. Revealing your navel does have its advantages too. You are sure to be pleased as a punch when you see the many envious looks come your way.
However, it will not do to go for any cheap ring either. jewelry ensures quality no matter how cost effective it might be. Having one in silver; that to at an affordable price is definitely a dream come true. The gleaming look of the navel ring is actually complemented by the jeweled charm hanging just below your belly, imparting color to your personality too. While a bright 925 sterling silver navel ring looks absolutely spectacular; livening it up with a tinge of red, aqua, or dark blue is going to show off your tastes in a superlative way too.
The length of the ring is just about right too. It is sure to cause many eyes rivet towards you but not so long as to cause you trouble. The main problem with dangle belly button rings is that you are in the danger of it being ripped out accidentally, if it happens to hang to low and get caught in your clothing. The jewelry designers have researched long and hard before coming up with each piece of jewelry though. You remain completely secure from untoward incidents or health problems when you choose to buy the fancy jeweled musical note navel belly banana in order to flaunt your newly pierced navel.
The banana and ball is that part of the ring that gets inserted in your skin and you need to take special care whenever you are on a lookout for body piercing jewelry. Piercebody ensures that this part is made with surgical steel so as to keep all kinds of skin irritations, flare ups, metal dermatitis, allergies, and the possibilities of infections at bay.
So, go ahead and show off your spectacular mid riff courtesy a jeweled musical note navel belly banana in the color of your choice.