Fake ear stretcher with a flying eagle logo- cool and stylish

Flying Eagle Jeweled Fake Ear Stretcher
How about having a flying eagle soar from your ear? Well, that’s an option here at piercebody.com where we present to you a mind-blowing collection of gorgeous piercing accessories of every type, design and shape possible. You shop at the comfort of your home and get amazing pieces like these delivered at your doorstep. What is even nicer than this is the fact that through the click of a mouse, you get to see for yourself all the current trends in the fashion jewelry world, which design is “in”, which material is the safest to wear on a freshly healed piercing, all of it.
Fake ear stretchers, as you are very aware are a stylish and different way to make your ear look attractive. When you wear your hair in a top knot or bun, a lot of the attention goes to your ears. Hence it only makes sense that you will want to adorn your ears beautifully. Fake ear expanders are an excellent substitute for stretching your ears permanently. The latter is a process that cannot be undone in future. Hence fake ear plugs and expanders are so much in demand.
From our collection of exquisite fake ear plugs, we present to you the Flying Eagle Jeweled Fake Ear Stretcher. The size of the ear plug is 1.2x6mm. The design is a blend of elegance and chic. In the centre is a logo of a soaring eagle and around it, top quality jewels are engraved to create a sparkling look. The item can be worn with any colored outfit. The diamond clear color of this fake ear plug complements all kinds of attires too.
This fake ear stretcher is made of high quality surgical steel. Surgical steel, as you know is one of the most trusted materials when it comes to manufacturing of piercing jewelry. It is very strong and has a long shelf life. You can use this item for daily use. Also, the smooth finish will ensure that this will not get stuck to your clothes and create trouble. We also assure you that this item will not cause you any skin trouble like rashes or infections.
The price is a mere $0.49, which is a fit for the teenagers and young people who have a fascination for products like these.
For more information, visit www.piercebody.com

Author: pbblog

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