Jeweled dermal anchor tops are quite popular because they sparkle and dazzle and of course add more glamour to your look. This cute dermal anchor with 5mm stone top is offered to you by piercebody which has loads of goodies to offer in terms of body piercing jewelry. This particular item is made of a combination of surgical steel and titanium of G23. The base is crafted out of titanium and the tops are of surgical steel. Now, both these metals are skin friendly and light in weight which makes them perfect choice for dermal jewelry. Since, only the top is visible in dermal anchors, having jeweled tops creates a wonderful impression on the onlooker.
Now, if you have a new piercing, then your piercer must have told you about the sea salt solution soak twice every day. The sea salt is a natural healing agent and you can either buy it from market or prepare it at home to use it on your piercing. Preparing it is quite easy provided you have the right ingredients. Use ¼ teaspoon of good quality sea salt in one cup of water to prepare a solution. However, the water has to be sterilized which is easy to do. You can sterilize water by bringing it to a boil for 5 minutes on a burner. After you have sterilized water, add the sea salt and stir well until it dissolves fully. Your sea salt solution is ready.
Now, if you find your skin is becoming dry with every wash or soak, you can apply 2-3 drops of tea tree oil to make the solution smooth and moisturize your pierced skin without any risk of infection. Do remember to apply the solution after it has cooled off otherwise it may cause burning.
In this day and age all of us are busy professionals and hardly have time to prepare a sea salt solution on a daily basis. For them it is wise to prepare a good amount at one time and store it in a clean and dry place in a plastic container which has a lid. You can also stuff cotton balls inside the solution so that you can take one by one and use it. You can use high quality sea salt solution sold in the market as well. Just use it by following the soaking instructions carefully to heal the piercing.