Tucking a pretty flower in your ears will certainly make you look highly desirable as the addition of flower is sure to highlight your feminity in every sense. Yet picking fresh flowers and adorning your ears every day is not very practical. It is going to be time wasting activity too. No worries though! You are going to get your heart’s desire by flaunting a pink flower in your ear thanks to piercebody.com, the greatest online jewelry store.
No, your ear plugs may contain a carved flower in pink but it is not going to look cheap at all. On the contrary the bone ear plugs define a certain trend and you are surely going to outdo every one of your contemporaries by virtue of the stunning pair of bone ear plug with pink flower carved bang in the middle.
Wearing a piece of jewelry made from bone might be a bit off putting at first but it is surely going to be trendy and in keeping with the age old tradition of the oldest people inhabiting the earth. Remember that bone jewelry is usually white or slightly yellow and the color of your ear plugs should be similar. Not the flower carved of course since that has been dyed to a hue that looks most appealing. However, the actual plug happens to be pristine white and you will have no qualms about the material once you take in your hand. The very fact that you are buying this exquisite pair of ear plugs from piercebody.com is proof of its purity and quality. You needn’t glance a second time either because the design plus affordability is going to strike you right in the heart and you will be well and truly hooked.
So, go on ahead and choose the size that goes with your preferences. A pretty petite 4mm will make you look delicate while the more chunky items at 16 mm to 22 mm will help you to stand out miles ahead of the competition.
The sweet pink hue in the center of your ear is sure to attract instant attention as well. Remember that it has been dyed with chemicals, so go easy when attempting to clean it for the first time. It will be wise to check out the kind of chemicals you have in your jewelry apart from the collagen fiber and calcium phosphate. Be sure to maintain the beautiful ear plugs by polishing them with vegetable oils every now and then.