When you have something of beauty, then it is perfectly fine in flaunting it, be it your body assets or financial ones. Does that sound snooty? No, this is all about attitude. Attitude makes what you wear the final word of fashion. If you thought that body piercing is not for you and you cannot carry it off, try once some stylish anodized collections and shed off all preconceived prejudices. In no time you will fall in love with these pieces of jewelries. From differently shaped barbells to belly rings, you will get whatever you look for. Read on to know what are your options when you opt for body piercing.
Anodised collections are different because of the colors they achieve. They are so luscious and vibrant. These jewelries are made of aluminum. To anodize the aluminum, it is passed through acid while electricity passes through it. Due to this dual effect, surface of the metal becomes porous which makes them able to accept various shades. For improvisation, designers even make finer prints on them and make them exclusive.
About designs and variations, you will get ample of them. The stylish and funky designs make your body piercing fun. Different types of barbells, labrets, eyebrow and belly rings are available in different colors. The variation of colors let you flaunt these jewelries matching with your apparels. All these jewelries are made of surgical steel which makes them suitable for all skin types. Often, metals used in jewelries other than gold or platinum do not suit sensitive skins. But when you use anodized surgical steel jewelries you will never develop rashes, eruptions or skin irritation.
Most popular items of anodized collections include barbells of different shapes, labrets with balls and cones, ball closure ring or BCR for upper ear muscle, eyebrow banana with cone or ball, belly banana with balls and cones, nose studs and the list goes on. Each of these variety is available in different colors, each one being eye catching. Commonly available colors are blue, black, mixed hues and golden. The color doesn’t get worn away. The smooth and silky surface of these jewelries ensures their longer life. Best part is that jewelries of anodized collections are biocompatible. So, it can be your THE collection of accessories if you are environmentalist.
If you buy them online, you can get the jewelries at discounted price when you buy in bulk pieces. They are safe metals and you can match them with what you plan to wear. So, no more getting scared of body piercing. Go for it with confidence and flaunt your newly acquired possessions with pride. And don’t forget your attitude because that is what going to compliment your make over with body piercing.