Piercing jewelry is fun! It is also great to watch people stare at you in wonder. There is no reason to be scared about getting your body parts pierced though. There is little pain involved especially when you are determined to follow the basic hygiene while keeping the area clean. An ordinary piercing supply wholesale jewelry like a pair of ear rings are too mundane though. They will not add anything to your sense of style as every 3 girls out of 5 tend to sport them in some form or the other. A piece of nose jewelry, on the other hand, is different altogether. It does set you apart, giving you a slightly exotic look and marking you as a girl who lives life on her own terms.
Do not sulk, if you happen to be a guy though. You are entitled to wear a small nose stud as well. True, it might give you a reputation of a punk but what the heck! You are young only once and you have the freedom to live your life as you wish.
There is no rush to go out jewelry shopping the instant your nose is pierced, however. Do follow the rules and keep the area clean while waiting patiently for your piercing to heal completely. You can certainly log in to piercebody.com meanwhile in order to find out the recent trends vis-a-vis nose piercing jewelry. Do be prepared to be astounded by their vast collection of jewelry showcasing every single design on earth that too in materials beyond your imagination.
It is okay to tread cautiously the first time you are going to wear nose jewelry though. Stick to the age old material i.e. gold, if you so desire. Selecting a quaint stud to adorn your nose might help you to keep your new piercing undamaged too. The L shaped bar at piercebody.com looks beautiful indeed! However, the most exciting fact is that is fashioned out of 9K gold l shaped crystal nose stud, a material that happens to be both durable and scratch proof without being overtly pricey. Wow! It is sure going to be your lucky day as all your prayers are coming true one by one.
The crystal at the end of the nose is for pure adornment though. Try to stay away from all sorts of magical power mumbo jumbo that you get to hear about crystals. Just choose the colors you want and grab 3 of the best nose studs by paying $1.60 apiece only.