So you have just been to the mystic lands of East and are enthralled by the beautiful women who sport a tiny gold nose stud as a part of their culture. Sure, it looks mesmerizing. Stop admiring from afar though and try to turn it into your very own style statement. It will certainly give you an exotic look and you can be sure of your nose stud setting a definite trend especially among your peers and the hip crowd you hang out with.
First things first though! You have to contact a reliable piercer to get your nose pierced, if you do not already have one. Follow the instructions to a T and be rewarded with a dry and perfectly healed nose piercing within days of getting the task done. Look around for the jewelry that will suit you. No, you do not have to request a jeweler to custom make it for you, login into will be enough.
Right! The collection of nose studs in 9K gold is sure to leave you amazed. You can have a field day grabbing any piece that catches your fancy. Remember your objective though. You had logged in hoping to find an appropriate nose stud for yourself. Something that is trendy to look at and also easy to wear! Fret not, the straight nose stud is going to be just right for you. It is definitely not too plain as the round cubic zirconia held in a claw shaped setting will sparkle big time, forcing all eyes in the vicinity to focus on you. Forget the funky rings and studs that are irregular, they might be difficult to insert into your newly pierced nose and you want to avoid skin irritations at any cost, right.
Opting for solid gold or a gold alloy for daily use is indeed wise. It gives you the pleasure of wearing gold while being affordable. Go for the 9K option, if you do not have too much of money to spare. It looks and feels like gold and is more durable apart from being resistant to scratches and chemicals to an extent.
The best part is of course the feeling of security you get while wearing it. You do not need to keep it hidden to tucked away into a safe box in your bank. Feel free to display it on your nose anytime and anywhere. Spending $1.70 on it makes it completely worthwhile.