Men are undergoing a change for sure. They are now more comfortable at the thought of wearing jewelry particularly when it is for adorning the wrist. The watch is not the only piece of ornamentation for men of today. They require more and caters to this very need. Just ask one of the men to turn up his sleeve and you will find a chunky bracelet lying comfortably there. Nothing can beat stainless steel though. Not when it is for the man on the street or someone who loves dressing in a casual style.
The 19.5cm Stainless Steel Fancy Bracelet is both fancy and casual. It is bound to catch the eye as you go about your own work without casting an eye on the trinket on your broad wrists. The length of the bracelet chain may cause you to raise your eyebrows though. Fret not! The apparently long chain of 19.5 cm has a purpose. It sits a trifle loose on your wrists thereby giving you the freedom to move your hands without any constraint whatsoever. The price is not enhanced in any way due to the extra long bracelet chain either. It still remains at an affordable $17.55 and you will have no complaints about it. Be sure to check out more of these items and get them shipped pronto for you never know when piercebody might run out of the 19.5 cm stainless steel jewelry fancy bracelet body jewelry. They will stand you in good stead as gifts for New Year or birthdays throughout the year. You can even pass them around as a token of friendship.
The cool metallic hue plus the masculine design is enough to make you swagger akin to the swashbuckling hero you so admire. The bracelet will not look out of place on semi formal occasions either. Try it out with trouser and formal shirts or paint the town red in jeans and tees with the fancy bracelet clanking on your wrist. You are also sure to set a trend in your neighborhood for popularizing a bracelet that is made with pieces of steel links easily found in a hardware store and then carrying it to perfection. Don’t you worry about it hurting your wrists. The clasp end is smooth and will feel comfortable when placed against your skin. So no pricks or nicks at all.
Go on, choose it and announce your arrival to the world while brandishing your fancy bracelet.